Our Project

Energy storage systems will play a fundamental role in reducing fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by providing solutions to store energy produced from renewable sources and to implement electrical vehicles.

Graphite is the traditional material used in standard rechargeable batteries or supercapacitors, but presents limitations because of its limited intrinsic capacity, lithium-ion insertion capacity, and specific capacitance. Moreover, graphite, but also lithium and cobalt, all standard materials for supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries, are limited resources, and Europe is dependent on external supply.

To solve these shortcomings, NOEL aims at developing new low cost environmentally friendly layered semiconductor-carbon composites for their use as innovative electrodes for next generation batteries or supercapacitors, looking for improved performance, low price, high material availability, locally produced in Europe, and eco-friendly properties.


A joint initiative of well-kwon international experts in synthesis of nanomaterials, batteries and supercapacitors has given rise to NOEL project that will develop unexplored low cost and environmentally friendly layered semiconductor-carbon composites for their use as innovative electrodes in supercapacitors or next-generation batteries

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3 partners

3 member Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)

3 years (2 September 2019 – 1 September 2022)


"Partners acknowledge the M-ERA.NET network, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ref. PCI2019-103637), National Science Centre Poland (Ref. 2018/30/Z/ST4/00901), and Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport for financial support"

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